
Topaz the Gem of the Kings

topaz the gem of the Kings

Blue Topaz and Imperial Topaz

Topaz is present in many Crowns of State

Welcome friend you have traveled far in your quest for knowledge. You may rest here a while and learn about the gem of the Kings, Topaz.

Topaz comes in many colors, blue is the most famous, but also yellow, green, pink and clear. As well as the golden color (orange/reddish), known as "Imperial". Many terms are used to describe topaz. Occidental,Nevada, Bohemian, Madeira and Spanish. They are all false. They are not topaz at all. Trust me! True topaz comes from Brazil, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Russia,( a blue topaz weighing 100 kg was found in Russia in 1965),China,Australia,Pakistan,Japan and few others. It is usually clear. The deep bright ice blue is caused by irradiation and heat treatment, Imperial grade is rare. Topaz is the Birthstone for Scorpio and Sagittarius. Also for anyone born in November or December. It is a good for Capricorn as well. Topaz ( Imperial) is the Anniversary stone for the 23rd year of marriage and blue topaz is the anniversary stone for the 4th and 19th years. Yellow, orange and red are said to aid digestion and gives energy. Clear is a spiritual stone and golden Imperial is the most powerful giving stamina, strengthening backbone and tissue regeneration. Blue topaz aids the creative nature in man. Pink is for all things compassionate and represents true love. Blue topaz aids the creative nature in man. All topaz gives protection and strength to the wearer. Much prized in ancient times for it's beauty alone, it also possesses many hidden spiritual qualities. Everyone should own at least one topaz gemstone.

blue topaz

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